Biggest city in indonesia

The largest city in Indonesia has a large population. This big city is usually supported by economic progress. To support the economy, big cities in Indonesia usually have industrial, banking, manufacturing, trade and tourism sectors that support each other. This big city, commonly known as the Metropolitan city, has its own characteristic, namely the many skyscrapers that adorn the city.

1. Jakarta

The largest city in Indonesia is the first in the country's capital city. The total population will reach 10.61 million people in 2021. This number is up 0.45 percent compared to the previous year which was 10.56 million people. The area of DKI Jakarta is observed to be 661.5 km². This region has just turned 494 years old. As the nation's capital, Jakarta has the National Monument icon. It should be noted that the determination of DKI Jakarta as the capital city occurred in 1961.

2. Surabaya

Surabaya is the capital city of East Java Province, which is the largest city in Indonesia, and even ranks second. This city also includes a densely industrial city, and makes this city has a fairly hot temperature during the day, which can reach 33 degrees Celsius. With so many industries, many people come to this city to look for work as factory workers. The city has a population of 2,874,000 based on the 2020 population census and has a population density of 8,200 square kilometers. This makes the city of Surabaya one of the big cities in Indonesia.

3. Medan

Medan is one of the largest cities in Indonesia, and is the largest city on the island of Sumatra. The city which is the capital of North Sumatra Province has an area of 265 square kilometers with a population of 2,460,858 people. The city has a population density of 8,339 per sq km. Medan is the main economic center in Indonesia which mostly comes from rubber, tobacco, tea and coffee. Because, Medan itself has good land and the air is quite cool, and is suitable for farming and gardening activities.

4. Bandung

Bandung is the third largest metropolitan city on the island of Java after Jakarta and Surabaya. Bandung is a city that is friendly to both immigrants and tourists, so many people come to live and try their luck or just have a vacation in the Flower City. The city with the nickname Paris Van Java has a population of 8,495,928 people. The city is 13,693/sq km in area. The main contributions to the Bandung economy are manufacturing, tourism, creative industries, business, technology and financial services.

This city is also known for its various tourist attractions and unique hangouts that can attract tourists who visit. In addition, the city of Bandung has also become one of the target cities for students and students to continue their education. Favorite universities in Indonesia are also located in the city of Bandung, namely the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and Padjadjaran University (Unpad) which are located on the border with Sumedang.

5. Semarang

The last largest city in Indonesia is Semarang, which is the capital of Central Java Province. The city, which has been named the largest city in Central Java, has a population density of 4,432 people per square kilometer. The population in Lumpia City is quite large, amounting to 1,656,564 in 2021. The city, which is located on the north coast of the island of Java, has a fairly advanced economic sector that is relied on from the textile, processed food and trade sectors.

Semarang is also known as a city that is friendly to visitors, both from local residents and also a very friendly standard of living, so that Semarang is used as an alternative tour that is often used as an option by tourists. That way, the tourism sector also helps to boost the welfare rate in the city of Semarang.